Sanae completed a Davis Math Mastery program at age 11 with Davis Facilitator Sue Jutson. She is working on the meanings of words that are often used in math word problems.
for: to the distance of; as far as [I pushed the baby in the stroller for 2kms ] for: in the amount of; at the price of [1 hat is $5, or 3 hats for $10] for: as compared with – there is one hat for each sibling for – as long as (“I rolled Madea in the stroller for 1 hour) for: at a certain time (“I have a dentist appointment for 2:30”) left: the quantity remaining after subtraction is completed [There are 3 pieces of pizza left after 3 kids ate 1 piece each] into: as a group contained within [three kids into 6 pieces of pizza is two each]